Features and Configurations

Big Picture provides the user with a varity of display options that the user can choose from. There is news display which allows the user display news from a specified source on the big screen, image display which allows the user to display an image galary of their choosing, video displayer which allows the user to display a video from youtube or microsoft stream, as well as a page display that can display a page created using omnia sharepoint.

News Display

In order to access the news settings, enter edit mode once again, and this time click on the cog wheel in the full screen component that you placed in your page.

Big Picture allows the user to display news from a provided news center that is connected to the user’s intranet. The user can also choose the period of which news will be displaye, how the articles will be ordered, the limit of the amounts of articles at a time and the priority.

Images Display

Images display is found in the second tab and allows the user to link an image folder that has images uploaded to the sharepoint website, and have these images displayed in a specific order and at specific speed.

Video Display

Video display can be found in the third tab that is called Videos Settings where the user can input a URL link to a youtube video or a microsoft stream.

We recommend the use of youtube over microsoft as it reduces the chances of performance issues when this functionality is used on an older device that might have less performance capabilities. In order to display a video setting, make sure to enter a valid youtube url in the video location field. An example of a valid url is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhC5PtMWNVo.

Video settings provides the option to include a video title, a specific start time and end time of the video as well as the ability to add multiple videos.

Page Display

Page display can be found in the fourth tabe Pages settings, where the user can select one or multiple webpages to be displayed.

Note that the pages do not have to be created by the user, but the user needs to have acess to view them in order to use them for Big Picture.

Display Settings

the display Setting tab is used to configure how Big Picture functions. It is divide up in three parts, general settings, news settings, additional image settings and metadata.

General settings:

  • Reload Data (minutes) sets the amount of time between each refresh/relaod of the big picture content.
  • Note that this does not apply to images and videos that are included in Images Settings and Videos Settings.
  • Logo Url provides the ability to provide a url to a logo that you wish to display. Note that the logo does not have to be uploaded to the companys sharepoint, but can be from anywhere (google images for example).
  • Logo position gives the ability to select the position of the logo, and logo visibility gives the option to make the logo visible or not.
  • logo size decides the size of the logo size.
  • Slides indicator color decides the color for the sides indicator, and count down text color decides the color for the count down text.
  • Indiator position decides where the indicator will be placed and the indicator visibility decides wether it will be visible or not.


  • News video template allows the user to select his view and amount of colums they wish to display.
  • Shows full article page displays the full article page, and scrolls whole page displays the whole page. Note that

When the user selects Show full article page, scrolls the whole page will also be selected by default, as the display sometimes does not the full article. - Only show summary displays the summary of the news. - Delay time before scroll determines the amount seconds it will be between each page scroll. - Scrolling speed determines the scrolling speed. - Delay time after scroll


The speed of slide animation determines the amount of seconds the image will be displayed before the next one is slided in.


The metadata function allows the user to select which metadata they wish to be displayed.